AT MEDIA, nice to meet you:
web marketing and communication agency.
AT is Antonio Testa MEDIA, MEDIA is what we use for the “Communication.0”.
In 2007 Antonio Testa created AT MEDIA. With the great managerial and empreneurial experiences aquired in a long time spent in prestigious advertising agencies, he founded AT MEDIA S.r.l. in november 2012.
Working with the longtime collaborators and professional advisors, AT MEDIA S.r.l. became partner of nationwide leading companies in the web marketing, publishing, television commercial, mobile marketing and communication fields. AT Media offers specific analysis and consultancy to all companies, SMES included, which aim to approach international markets. The competitive advantage of AT MEDIA that makes it unique in Italy, is being a communication and web marketing agency for the small and medium companies, with the same creativity and strategy of the large media agencies. Basing its work on the New Model of Marketing for the SMEs AT MEDIA S.r.l. built its success.
Today AT MEDIA S.r.l. works in Italy, with an exclusive network of business partners, ready to follow every customer step by step and proposing COMUNICAZIONE.0 to the SMEs, created mixing the experience of the NEW MARKETING MODEL and the most recent digital and web technologies.